
Costa Rica SEO Experts For Your Business! SEO is a game-changer and will boost your business.



Bomba Digital

SEO Pros

Is your business targeting organic traffic from Google? If not, then your company is missing out on scaling and getting more clients. If you want to be found online then you need to work with the best. We have an advantage in being able to stay ahead of the search algorithm. Using data from thousands of websites, we analyze all of the information that is floating around, and crack the code. Furthermore we can make very educated guesses as to how the code with change in the future.

SEO is a game-changer and will boost your business. The hardest part is finding someone that can do it well. Schedule a call with us to see why we can help.

Content Counts

No keyword stuffing here. We produce great content for you, keeping in mind important metrics.

Page Titles & Metas

We strike the perfect balance to get your keywords where they should be.


Heading titles should not be ignored and we give them the attention they deserve.

Domain and URL

If you are starting from scratch we will get you the perfect domain name. Otherwise we ensure URLs are perfect too.

Ethical SEO Consulting For Costa Rica

Costa Rica, the land of toucans and toll roads. While Facebook is currently where most Ticos go to find local business and services, it is only a matter of time before Google catches up and surpasses FB as the preferred way Costa Ricans search for these things. This will happen sooner or later and many business will be playing catch up. Not you! Call us today to see how easy it is to get an SEO campaign going for you to ensure you have the #1 spot now and forever.

Off Page Search Engine Optimization

Behind The Scene

Mobile Speed

The speed of your site important to Google as well it being mobile friendly. We use the latest technology for blazing speed.

Technical Code

We enter business information into your website’s back end to give you that extra nudge.

Webmaster Tools

We optimize your Google Search Console and BWT as well. Because people do use Bing.


Citations are great for local businesses. We also do citation clean up.

Google, Apple and Bing Maps

Getting in the top of Google Maps is an important way to help your business. We know how to get you there.


We go deep and find the keywords you need to go after to get you the best results.

Web Searches

Many people say it is only 70%, and that is partially true. The 70% does not account for the additional 20% coming Google image searches. Add it all up and, and Google owns 9 out of every 10 web searches. What about Bing and Yahoo you may be wondering. Check out the detailed results here: Jumpshot’s Latest Data

You may have noticed that we here at SEOenCostaRica tend to emphasize getting websites on the first page of Google. Maybe you’re wondering: Why Google? Why not Bing or Yahoo or that good old fashioned Ask Jeeves (now known as

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“Praesent ac dui posuere, maximus enim vitae, porttitor tellus. Maecenas dignissim lacus dolor. Sed interdum volutpat massa, non fermentum enim finibus eu.”

“Duis ligula sapien, condimentum in urna in, varius viverra leo. Curabitur est dui, ultricies eget vestibulum sed, dapibus a lectus. Phasellus elit orci, facilisis eu imperdiet in, condimentum sit amet metus. Nulla sed maximus orci, et imperdiet elite”

“Duis ligula sapien, condimentum in urna in, varius viverra leo. Curabitur est dui, ultricies eget vestibulum sed, dapibus a lectus. Phasellus elit orci, facilisis eu imperdiet in, condimentum sit amet metus. Nulla sed maximus orci, et imperdiet elite”